Does Matched Betting Work?


15 Jul 2022

Updated: 15 Nov 2023

Does matched betting work? If you’re asking yourself that question you may still be undecided about taking on the bookies with matched betting. Let's take a look at what matched betting is, how it works, how to place a matched bet and ultimately answer the question - does match betting work?

What Is Matched Betting?
Matched betting is a strategy for profiting from free bets and promotions offered by online bookmakers. Instead of relying on luck, you cover all possible outcomes of an event by placing two bets, ensuring that you win regardless of what happens. Matched betting formulae or software determine how much you must stake on these bets to make a profit.

How Does Matched Betting work?
Matched betting works by converting free betting credit into real money utilising a 'back and lay’ strategy. Many online bookmakers provide offers and free bets as part of their welcome bonus offers to attract new customers. Existing customers can also obtain free bets called ‘reload offers’.

By placing a similar bet against the same outcome (lay bet), you can eliminate the risk associated with each bet for a certain outcome (back bet), ensuring that you win regardless of the outcome. You will win around 80% of the free bet value, so a £50 free bet will net you roughly £40 in profit.

How To Make A Matched Bet
To place a matched bet start by signing up to Outplayed, our platinum and diamond members get access to daily welcome bonuses and promotions.

  • Pick a result to back and lay (for example, Chelsea to win). The odds must be low and similar to minimise initial outlay – our OddsMatcher can help you here.
  • Open an account with the relevant bookmaker offering the qualifying bonus, deposit your funds and make your first bet.
  • Open an account with a betting exchange and place a lay bet. Profit Accumulators Matched Betting Calculator can help you work out your bets.
  • For the back bet, use your free credit to place your second matched bet.

So, does Matched Betting work?
Yes, of course. It requires a small amount of your time as well as minimal investment to get started. What’s better, everything is above board and completely legal. You can use Matched Betting as an effective side hustle to add additional income to your monthly wage.

How Much Can I Make Matched Betting?
This is entirely dependent on how much time you have available. Check out our forum for advice on this.

Profit Accumulator also offer a fully automated profit tracker function within the dashboard for members. The Profit Tracker will show your earnings by dividing your profits into months and offers you a running tally of how much you've made each month, as well as your total profit since you began Matched Betting. You can use filters to check when you made the most money or which bookie is performing the best for you. Each bet is split down into crucial pieces of information to assist you understand what's going on. The date the wager was placed, the bookmaker with which it was placed, the type of wager, and the total profit or loss are all displayed

Interested in Getting Started With Matched Betting?

You can start learning for free with our free trial and make your first profits