Mitch Has Made £40,000+ With Matched Betting!

Jordan Atkinson

24 Nov 2017

Updated: 19 Nov 2023

What's your name?


Whereabouts do you live?

NW London

Are you married, kids etc?

No, no.

If you work, what is your job?

Service engineer

How long have you been a member of PA?

Since may16

How did you hear about it - were you sceptical at first?

Google search on how to make money and yes.

How have you found it - how much do you make from it?

Made 10k+ a month for the last 5 months. Last month 30+k from Casino

What do you do with the profit you make?

Just bought a new car & put a deposit on a flat.

How much time do you spend on matched betting?

3-4 hours a day

Why does matched betting appeal to you?

Easy money

What would be your advice to someone thinking of trying matched betting?

Go for it and don’t touch any of the profit till you build your bank

Are there any aspects of Profit Accumulator you particularly like?

Med/high risk casino and 2up